Devotions, Gospel of John

Do you want to be healed?

John 5:1-16 Jesus comes to Jerusalem during a feast and John doesn’t want us to know what feast is that but he makes sure to mention the place of the miracle. It is near the Sheep Gate in a pool called Bethesda. The Sheep Gate reminds us about the Grace of God. As it is… Continue reading Do you want to be healed?

Devotions, Gospel of John

Christ, the Saviour of the World

John 4 : 1 - 42 Jesus in the course of his ministry took a neglected route through Samaria. It was a purposeful journey he choose, to move away from the recognition of the world and to fulfil the task of his Father. Jesus meets a sinner like any of us in the village of… Continue reading Christ, the Saviour of the World